057 Jolanta Borkowska


On today's episode, I had the pleasure of talking to Jolanta Borkowska on the podcast. She has been helping people from all walks of life with their health challenges for over 30 years as a pharmacist and as a nutritional therapist. She has spent majority of her career working as a community pharmacist all over the UK and the stories she shares with on today's episode are so interesting and inspiring.

She first became interested in natural ways of restoring health and wellbeing when she was having some health issues due to early menopause such as migraines, brain fog and night sweats. She sought nutrition advice and had some functional testing to clarify exactly what was happening in her body and this changed everything for her. She was able to target specific imbalances in her body that were causing health challenges by making small tweaks to her diet, introducing functional foods and a few high calibre supplements.  Following this, she decided she wanted to help others regain great health naturally and she embarked on 4 years of study at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition in London. She now has her own online clinic and focuses on working as a Nutritional Therapist helping men, women and children achieve their best health using a holistic, natural approach. She uses a variety of Functional Tests to detect the root cause of your health challenges – focusing on the cause of your imbalances rather than just your symptoms. This allows her to detect underlying causes and provide a much more personalised approach for your journey to optimal health and wellbeing.

She absolutely loves her new role and she cannot think of a better way of earning an income as well as being able to help people. She has a whole arena of extra tools and knowledge to support her clients to improve their health above and beyond her life as a pharmacist. I loved her energy on this podcast episode and I absolutely love how she values and prioritises her mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing to be the best version of herself.

"Self care sets the foundation to allow you to achieve to your best life."

Social Media:

Linkedin: @Jolanta Borkowska

Website: https://www.the-holistic-pharmacist.co.uk/

Pharmacist Diaries: https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episodes

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058 Nicola Vosser


056 Aamer Safdar