120 Gina Bariah



I’m looking to create a digital course to help pharmacy students, trainee pharmacists and/or pharmacists who are feeling the pressure of balancing professional responsibilities, academic commitments, and personal life but have a desire for a better work-life balance, a sense of control over their time, whilst making meaningful progress in their career alongside a supportive community of like-minded individuals who understand their challenges.

I’m opening up 10 spots for early enrollment to my course at a HUGE discount in exchange for your feedback (and less than 5 minutes of your time each week for 5 weeks.)

My future £399 course is available for a few days at a 50% discount. 

Enroll today at £199!

⁠Click here⁠ to grab one of the 10 spots now. Early enrollment ends on 19th January 2024.

Welcome back to Pharmacist Diaries! In this inaugural episode of our new three-part series, we dive into the world of pharmacy careers within the pharmaceutical industry. We are joined by special guest Gina Bariah, a dynamic and intuitive industry leader with extensive experience spanning numerous therapy areas at country, regional, and global levels within medical affairs. Gina is known for consistently delivering on objectives while mentoring, coaching, and supporting team members to achieve their professional goals and overall team ambitions. Her expertise covers various stages of the product life cycle, from phase 2 clinical development to pre-launch, launch, and beyond. She brings a wealth of experience as an experienced ABPI signatory, specializing in consultancy aimed at enhancing review and approval processes, advising on inter-company dialogue, PMCPA complaint responses, and training new signatories at both global and local levels.

Gina's pharmacy training at Aston University and Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, provided diverse experiences but made her realise that the conventional career path in hospital pharmacy might not align with her long-term ambitions. Feeling limited by the rigid career ladder in hospital pharmacy, Gina explored unconventional career avenues, including contemplating roles in banking, relocating, and even considering a career in the army.

Her quest led her to a profound realisation—there's an entire world of career opportunities within the pharmaceutical industry that extend beyond the confines of what she'd encountered in hospital settings. Through independent research, Gina uncovered a multitude of roles spanning medical affairs, marketing, regulatory affairs, and more, a revelation that highlighted the information gap surrounding industry careers for pharmacists.

Transitioning from hospital to industry roles wasn't without obstacles. Gina faced rejection due to a lack of direct industry experience. Overcoming these hurdles required perseverance and a strategic approach. Networking emerged as a crucial element in her journey, ultimately leading her to secure her breakthrough role at Pfizer, marking her entry into the pharmaceutical realm.

Gina's professional trajectory through various positions at different pharmaceutical companies showcased her growth. Starting as a Medical Advisor, she steadily climbed the ladder to become an Associate Director of Medical Affairs. She emphasises the importance of transferring skills gained in the hospital setting to succeed in the corporate environment, often overlooked in traditional pharmacy training.

Motivated by her challenges, Gina established PharmAffinity, a platform designed to assist pharmacists in transitioning into pharmaceutical careers. The platform offers an array of resources, networking events, and mentorship opportunities, aimed at bridging the gap between hospital pharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry.

Stay tuned for part two, where Gina will delve into the essential skills necessary for success in the pharmaceutical industry.

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The Naked Pharmacy is offering my podcast listeners a 20% discount on all their products. Use discount code PD20 at checkout to receive the offer.


As I continue to grow and evolve this podcast, I am committed to bringing you inspiring and empowering content. But in order to do that, I need your support. I've set up a Buy Me a Coffee donation page where you have the opportunity donate a coffee (£5). You'll be helping us invest in the infrastructure, equipment, and team needed to take Pharmacist Diaries to the next level. With your help, we can continue to inspire and empower pharmacists around the world, and create a community that supports and uplifts one another. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/pharmdiaries


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ginabariah

PharmAffinity Website: https://www.pharmaffinity.co.uk/ 

PharmAffinity Forum: https://forum.pharmaffinity.co.uk/ 

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ginabariah 


Sunjay Vyas: https://www.sunjav.uk/

Follow me onMy Website,YouTube,Instagram,Facebook,LinkedIn, and/orTwitter. Feel free to subscribe to the podcast on your favourite podcast platform so you can be notified when a new episode is released or leave a review on apple podcasts. If you have any suggestions for guests you want me to talk to or if you’d like to come on yourself, please feel free to contact me via social media, or email at info@pharmacistdiaries.com.


121 Gina Bariah


119 Pharmacy Journeys that Inspired Us All in 2023 (Part II)