122 Gina Bariah


We're thrilled to present Part III of our Pharmaceutical Industry Series, an insightful and inspiring new episode. This time, we delve into the realities, challenges, and gratifications of maintaining a harmonious balance between parenthood and a career in pharmacy. Gina shares her personal journey into motherhood, highlighting her aspirations, and the unexpected challenges that shaped her career trajectory. Facing health issues during pregnancies led to rethinking her career goals, causing a shift in priorities and perspectives.

Navigating the complexities of parenthood, Gina articulates the difficulties encountered—exhaustion, identity crises, and the struggle to advance professionally post-pregnancy. She sheds light on her experiences balancing work responsibilities while nurturing her newborns.

After having her first child, Gina faced exhaustion, an identity crisis, and uncertainty around when she would go back to work. She tried applying for new roles while on maternity leave but got negative feedback about trying to advance her career so soon after having a baby. She found it very difficult to progress her career after having children…but this clearly didn’t stop her from succeeding. We delve into the unique challenges of parenting, emphasising the significance of a robust support system and the practice of "ruthless prioritization" to maintain balance amidst the demands of career and family life. Reflecting on work-life balance, Gina shares insights into defining success by delivering commitments at work while ensuring dedicated time for her children and personal well-being.

Wrapping up, we affirm that pharmacists can excel in their careers while embracing parenthood.Tune in for an illuminating dialogue on achieving harmony between professional aspirations and the joys of motherhood, paving the way for a resilient and fulfilling journey as a pharmacist parent.

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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ginabariah

PharmAffinity Website: https://www.pharmaffinity.co.uk/ 

PharmAffinity Forum: https://forum.pharmaffinity.co.uk/ 

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ginabariah 


Sunjay Vyas: https://www.sunjav.uk/

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123 Sandeep Gusai


121 Gina Bariah