080 Anthea Pryde


On this week’s episode, I am delighted to showcase the journey of a newly qualified pharmacist, Anthea Pryde. Anthea graduated from Kings College London (KCL) in 2019 and then successfully completed her trainee pharmacist year split between Lloyds Pharmacy and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). She is currently employed as a Supply Chain Study Lead at GSK and enjoying the start of her pharmacy career.

What attracted me to inviting Anthea onto the podcast was her enthusiasm and curiosity to learning and exploring what pharmacy has to offer whilst she was a student. During her life student life, she definitely made the most of the opportunities around her and she tells us all about the benefits of doing this during our conversation.

Below are some of the experiences and placements she enjoyed as a student:

A 3-month research internship role at Pfizer UK as part of Anthea’s final year dissertation project. Project title: ‘Influence of punch tip surfaces on API adhesion’ (2018)

A 6-week Editorial intern at PharmPress supporting updates to the British National Formulary (BNF) and Martindale Drug Reference texts (2018)

Summer Placement at Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust (2018)

Summer International Pharmaceutical Students Federation ****(IPSF) Research Internship Programme (Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Healthcare Sciences, Boston, USA) (2017)

Summer placement at Lloyds pharmacy (2016)

We talk in depth about how the transferrable skills from these experiences helped her with applications and interviews, with specific reference to getting offered an industry trainee pharmacist position with very limited experience in that sector of pharmacy.

Linkedin: @Anthea Pryde

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081 Tim Ulbrich


079 Pooja Pala